Decoder: Piano Chord Compass + Book

Learning 1-3-5
Chord Compass helps you grasp the relationship between chords and scales. It teaches how to build basic triads by learning the first, third and fifth notes (the 1-3-5) in the scale to create a major chord. With Piano Chord Compass, you'll learn to create chord progressions by moving through different chords in a key.

Essential for Soloing and Collaboration
Understanding chords is essential for sauce. This tool displays chord structures in a single octave, making it easy to visualize major chord intervals and create variations like Major 7th, minor 7th, and diminished 7th chords on the piano.
Decoder Learning Aids

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the dimensions and materials?
Dimensions: 182mm x 142mm x 11.5mm (W x L x D)
Weight: Decoder 81g
I'm a beginner. Can I use Decoder: Chord Compass?