The thing that makes the circle of fifths so extremely powerful is that it can be utilized in so many different ways.
One minute, you're using it to find out which notes are in a particular key. The next, it becomes your songwriting assistant, helping you come up with creative chords and melodies.
To help you understand the full extent of the different ways you can apply the circle of fifths to music, we've gathered up 10 of the very best circle of fifths videos the internet has to offer.
You'll be blown away at how many different ways you can put the circle of fifths to use in your musical endeavors!
Want a refresher on how the circle of fifths works? Check out our Beginner's Guide to the Circle of Fifths
1. The Circle of Fifths - How to Actually Use It by Michael New
This is by far one of the most viewed videos on the circle of fifths, and for good reason!
Michael New gives a comprehensive (yet easy to understand) walkthrough of the Circle of Fifths and how to use it.
Many new players who have previously struggled to understand the concept have had their breakthroughs with this video.
2. Circle of Fifths Explained (For Guitar) by Active Melody
While the fundamental principles of the circle of fifths are identical regardless of which instrument you play, it can be helpful to have it explained from the perspective of someone who plays your specific instrument.
This super helpful video by Active Melody focuses on finding chords and chord families, but exclusively from the perspective of a guitarist.
3. Understand the Circle of 5ths by Rick Beato
Rick Beato is one of the most well-respected theory gurus on the internet. His knowledge and insight on any theoretical concept seem to be limitless.
Yet, despite his musical pedigree, he's also got a knack for explaining things in a way that's easy for beginners to understand.
If you want a concise overview of how the circle of fifths words, this is the one to check out.
4. EASY UKULELE SCALES W/ Circle of 5ths by Ukulele Project Hawaii
The ukulele has some interesting ways to voice chords because of its tuning and the fact it only has 4 strings.
This can make transferring information designed for piano or guitar to the ukulele a bit of a headache.
This video gives you a nice overview of scales using the circle of fifths but presents everything exclusively from the perspective of the ukulele.
Want a handy circle of fifths reference for the ukulele? Check out our FREE Ukulele Cheat Sheet.
5. Is The Circle Of Fifths Useless? (Piano Lesson) by Pianote
Pianote is one of the most popular piano teaching channels on the internet. They cater to everyone from beginner to advanced and are adept at explaining difficult to understand concepts from the piano perspective.
While this video isn’t a complete comprehensive guide, it gives some fantastic up-front information that you can immediately begin incorporating into your playing.
6. How to Play Chord Progressions Using the Circle of Fifths by At Home With Music
Being able to play interesting and unique chord progressions using modulations and proximity is one of the great joys of using the circle of fifths.
At Home With Music takes a wonderful deep dive into using the circle of fifths for playing chord progressions in an accessible, and oddly relaxing way.
7. Determining Chord Progressions In A Song by Karen Ramirez
Ever found yourself stuck trying to figure out the chords of a song, or maybe you have 2 or 3 chords down but you can't quite figure out the rest?
Despite this video being 16 years old, Karen Ramirez’s video on how to find chord progressions using the circle of fifths remains one of the best explanations on the internet! She’s even got a cool keyboard mounted on her dry erase board!
8. 7 Ways To Actually Use the Circle of 5ths by Gracie Terzian
If you started using the circle of fifths for just one or two things but always wondered what else you’re missing, look no further.
Gracie Terzian gives a wonderful overview of all the different ways you can make your life easier as a musician by using the circle of fifths to its fullest extent.
9. 8 Facts About the Circle of Fifths that you May Not Already Know by Brian Kelly
It can’t be overstated just how much you can do with the circle of fifths.
If you’ve got the basics down already, Brian Kelly's facts about the circle of fifths may surprise you with all the interesting ways you can use this fantastic tool. Or you can tattoo the Circle of Fifths on your forearm as a quick reference as Brian did!
10. The Circle of Fifths for SONGWRITING by Mike George
For songwriters who want to come up with intriguing and interesting chord progressions that go beyond just simple diatonic harmony.
Mike George teaches you how you can use the circle of fifths as an infinite well of creative inspiration when writing your songs.
Music Mastery with the Circle of Fifths
We hope you've found these videos entertaining and have gained a better understanding of both how the circle of fifths works and all the different ways you can apply it to your musical endeavors.
There are helpful Circle of Fifths Decoder posters available for the guitar and piano which gives you immediate access to all the information you need at a glance.
Or if you want a more hands-on experience the Circle of Fifths Decoder is a handy tool to give you the power of the circle of fifths at your fingertips.