Available for Guitar, Piano, and Ukulele

Our Cheat Sheets provide you with all of the basic building blocks of music theory, broken down into bite-sized chunks for easy learning and more playing.
Designed with one goal in mind – to get you playing more! Perfect for beginners, these sheets provide a solid foundation for your musical journey. We don't show you finger positions, we show you structure.

Learn how chords are built and played.
This chord chart is designed to visually aid guitarists through each chord and showcase the anatomy of a chord. This guide navigates chords in six different positions and how they progress from major to diminished.
✓ Visually decipher chords effortlessly
✓ Understand chord locations on the fretboard
✓ Easily learn chord structures and formulas

Master chords in key
The ultimate music hack!
✓ Aids memory of 12 major and minor keys
✓ Learn to build chords in popular keys
✓ Prepare for key changes for transposition and modulation
✓ Learn sharps and flats in each key signature
✓ Easily explore harmonic relationships

Scale your songwriting.
This Scales Cheat Sheet visually shows you the structure of 6 different scales. Unlocking scales will help to write melodies with ease. Start with one scale, then extend it across the entire fretboard!
The left side of the scales cheat sheet will show you one shape to get you started.
The right side of the sheet shows you that the scale can be built from any of the roots you see. Just remember to follow the sequence of numbers!
✓ Learn major, minor, pentatonic, and blues scales
✓ Learn how to build chords in popular keys
✓ Improve coordination and speed
✓ Ease into using scales with clear illustrations
✓ Learn the relationship between notes and their location on the fretboard

Play Any Chord with Just Three Notes
This is why we show the Root, 3rd and 5th rathe than finger positions. Understanding chord structures allows you to modify the Major Triad.
✓ Learn 12 major triads on the guitar
✓ Apply knowledge to play 144 positions on the fretboard
✓ Learn root, 3rd, and 5th for each inversion of the chord
✓ Learn how to modify a major triad
✓ Learn the shapes of the chord
✓ Learn major, minor, pentatonic, and blues scales
✓ Learn how to build chords in popular keys
✓ Improve coordination and speed
✓ Ease into using scales with clear illustrations
✓ Learn the relationship between notes and their location on the fretboard
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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the dimensions?
Dimensions: 7.87 x 7.87 x 0.02 inches
Weight: 3.87 ounces
Are they laminated?
Yes, cheat sheets are laminated and anti-scratch.
When will they ship?
In order to make shipping faster and more cost-effective, we will be shipping from locations in the US, UK, and the EU.
All products (that are not in pre-order) ship within 24 hours. Please feel free to reach out to us at anytime to check on your order -info@noisyclan.com
If you need to return, please contact info@noisyclan.com detailing your reason for return and any relevant photos should your product have a fault. A member of our team will work with you to ensure your Wee Stand is safely returned to us. Please include your order number and email associated with the purchase.
How do I use Scales Cheat Sheet?
Learn how to use Scales Cheat Sheet here.
How do I use Keys Cheat Sheet?
Learn how to use Keys Cheat Sheet here.
How do I use Chords Cheat Sheet?
Learn how to use Chord Cheat Sheet here.
How do I use Triads Cheat Sheet?
Learn how to use Triad Cheat Sheet here.
Can they bend?
Please don't. For best storage and portability please use protective folder.
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