
Play Perform Promote Noisy Clan

Ghost Song

“Good artists borrow, great artists steal.” - Pablo Picasso  Having difficulty writing a song or even knowing where or how to start?  Here is a great writing exercise to help...

Ghost Song

“Good artists borrow, great artists steal.” - Pablo Picasso  Having difficulty writing a song or even knowing where or how to start?  Here is a great writing exercise to help...

Play Perform Promote Noisy Clan

Start Songwriting: Harmony

A popular method of songwriting is to first create the harmony or chord progression for the song and then write the melody. Harmony is the combo of simultaneous musical notes...

Start Songwriting: Harmony

A popular method of songwriting is to first create the harmony or chord progression for the song and then write the melody. Harmony is the combo of simultaneous musical notes...

Play Perform Promote Noisy Clan

Start songwriting : Melody

There are lots of ways to approach the first genesis of a song and it can feel overwhelming when facing the blank page. As with any creative process there are...

Start songwriting : Melody

There are lots of ways to approach the first genesis of a song and it can feel overwhelming when facing the blank page. As with any creative process there are...